Quoted in Article on @anywhere

Today, I was interviewed in Tech News World for my thoughts on Twitter's new @anywhere feature. As you can read in the article linked above and below, I think @anywhere is really going to help break down walled-gardens and keep the conversation flowing. Twitter is much more of a conversation tool than some of the other social networking tools out there. But blogs are still the best way to have a drawn out conversation around a given topic.

@anywhere is going to help keep that conversation going. I think it's a win for any blog. If people are having a discussion on your site, you want to make it as easy as you can to keep that conversation going. Adding the snippet of @anywhere's code will let people use their Twitter identities right on your site. They can share stuff right in the comments, but also let it flow through to their followers on Twitter. It should help you be found more easily. I'm looking forward to seeing it implemented.


Read the Tech News World story here.